Developed in 1980, these types of veneers were the only available solution at that time since a hard ceramic was not discovered yet where an approximate 5 mm of thinness in the outer teeth surface is cut to assure the required durability.
Even though this type of veneer is not common these days, it is still used in cases of root canal treated discolored teeth is used to stop the transparency of the backside tooth.
The semi-prep veneers are the most advanced type of veneers available.
Before applying the veneers, the outer surface of the teeth is roughened and both projected angles and the cutting side of the teeth are cut.
This method ensures saving the maximum structure of the teeth.
To apply this method, doctors will need to take measurements of the teeth before applying the veneers on the next patient’s visit. However, in some cases, some parts of the lower teeth cutting edge is reduced before wrapping the teeth. The outer surface of the teeth might also have to be scratched in order to guarantee the best fusion with the veneers.
In 2010, non-prep veneers were the most advertised type of veneers.
In this method, doctors can apply the veneers directly to the patient’s teeth in the same first visit.
This needs high skilled Doctors to make the shape and borders of the veneer. in this technique the Doctor Doesn’t need to touch the outside of the original teeth, however, in some cases, some parts of the lower teeth cutting edge is reduced before wrapping the teeth.
In the 1970s composite veneers became a trend in aesthetic dentistry, and lately, there is a big turn for using this type of veneer.